
The OASIS EI Member Section oversees the work of the:

OASIS Emergency Management Technical Committee, which enables information exchange to advance incident preparedness and response to emergency situations. Its subcommittees include:

  • Notification Methods and Messaging: Focused on the exchange of alerts, notifications, and incident related messages, which not only include various types of informational broadcast, but also electronic ICS (Incident Command System) form representation.
  • Geospatial Information Systems: Working to ensure each TC-related specification has the proper geospatial capabilities to allow a GIS to leverage our formats. Additionally, the group is responsible for providing guidance for filling GIS-related gaps within the existing emergency and incident standards.
  • Infrastructure Framework: Providing identification, research, and guidance on various standards, both developed in and external to the TC, as related to emergency and incident management with the purpose of ensuring elemental compatibility with current and future systems and communication mediums.

OASIS Emergency Management Adoption Committee, which works to support widespread implementation of CAP and EDXL standards through education and market awareness. Its subcommittees include:

  • Events & Demos: Organizing
    speakers and topics for events that the EM Adoption Committee decides to
    support including OASIS Interop demonstrations.
  • Collateral & Documents: Writing and editing whitepapers, primers, slide presentations, etc.
  • Outreach & Education: Identifying, building and maintaining
    relationships with external organizations and supporting
    communities-of-interest such as the meteorological community.

The EI Steering Committee welcomes suggestions for forming new Committees in this arena. Contact OASIS member services for more information.